Thursday 19 February 2009

Two things - no, three things

There are two kinds of people - those who divide people into two kinds, and those who don't. Trivialities aside, there are several fundamentals that look quite different from opposite approaches. Our perception of reality depends on how it is perceived.

Sub-atomic particles can be observed and counted individually, most have an exact mass, and yet if you send them through two adjacent slits they behave as only waves can. Particle or wave - let's have a fight! The development of our species on earth is known to scientists to have evolved over billions of years, but to followers of certain faiths over a period of 5 days at some point over just 5,000 years ago. In the first case scientists observe and measure the phenomena and reconcile different behaviour in a complex set of equations, so that a particle and a packet of energy are expressions of the same thing. In the second, a scientist believes the geological fossil evidence and reconciles the scriptures by using a loose interpretation, and their purpose of teaching an early awareness of creation. I have heard it expressed as "the science says what, and the scriptures say why. Why is not just a matter of cause and effect, but a search for a reason that we are here and asking questions.

Well, two is a special number (it is the only even non-zero prime) but three is quite special as well. I am actually looking to connect three things - the facts of the physical universe, the spiritual world which includes God and his reason for our existence; and our perception and awareness of them. Why should our speck of flawed humanity figure alongside the magnificence of the first two? Certainly the physical universe was here long before us (in our linear view), and I am not suggesting God only exists because we invented him. It is because we (intelligent life) are the instruments of awareness and knowledge of both, and in this way we connect these warm star-baked molecules with the God who made them. And we connect them in such a way that the people who care cannot agree whether the universe came about by some freak accident and has no purpose, or it was designed by a God with a master plan in which we are an early prototype life form. Both answers are fairly improbable if you try to think about it. Yet here we are. Why? Don't ask! But the glib answer is hinted above.

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