Wednesday 20 March 2013

Words coming together

It has been difficult to discuss gravity without everyday things like rubber sheets, whirling objects on strings etc, and previous attempts to summarise used too many of these.  But I've been inspired to try again by articles in New Scientist discussing progress, or lack of it, in big physics.  This time it worked, and I am submitting an essay on the subject to the Gravity Research Foundation, March 2013. This way, it will be published only if it does well, and can be safely ignored otherwise.  At least it's a stake in the ground for me, and a reference point if I dare to request serious comments.
Just an "as if" model, but offering a way of thinking about the fundamental cause of gravity, the requirement for the fourth spatial dimension and a bit of justification for this, the expansion of the universe, dark energy, dark matter, a potential prediction for the reduction of G with time, and the reason that gravity has never been related to the three fundamental forces of nature.
But I think we can leave inflation for another time . . .